Spinning Magnets since 1890
Faraday's monopolar generator, 1890, Tesla in the 1930's, Townsend Brown in 1938 Adolf Hitler in the 1940's .... a Haunebu-type German flying saucer, similar in appearance to craft allegedly photographed by George Adamski, Reinhold Schmidt, Howard Menger, and Stephen Darbishire.
The HAUNEBU nazi UFO's http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm
A Scottish UFO from Gorebridge; Prints, T Shirts, etc http://www.cafepress.com/scottishufo
The HAUNEBU nazi UFO's http://discaircraft.greyfalcon.us/HAUNEBU.htm
A Scottish UFO from Gorebridge; Prints, T Shirts, etc http://www.cafepress.com/scottishufo