The Secret Ability - Reptilians amongst us

Andrew Hennessey

There are many historical illustrations of other human-looking races that live or have lived amongst mankind.
e.g. Banks, 1937 Grimm 1901 Kirk 1697 etc
Close inspection of the clay tablets circa. 2000BC depicting the gods from ancient Sumeria depict half-man, half-fish shapeshifters and indeed the global historical records are full of draconian images.

Reptilians in art and myth are also to be seen across the world on our streets today in monumental sculptures, e.g. the dragon statue at the gates to the City of London, in the stockmarket district.
Reptilian imagery has historically been used to symbolise power e.g. the griffin in the crest of the British Security Services.
There has been a tendency to associate those with alleged blueblood descent as being able to do something ‘extra’ from the ordinary human being.
In Scotland the reptilian lineage and ideology is depicted for example in the bronze age Sumerian-style reptilian head carving in Rosslyn glen, or in the painting by John Duncan, a Celtic visionary, called ‘the Riders of the Sidhe’, 1912, where the ancient Tuatha De Dannan, the shining ones (illuminated by their own light and therefore the illuminati) are out riding on horseback with ancient Hindu swastika on the harness and young lizards running alongside.
The linguistic derivation of the Celtic gods, the De Dannan is the Anu, the Anunnaki race of the gods of Sumeria, who are the reptilian shapeshifters depicted on the clay tablets.
In Celtic Traditions by Sirona Knight. Citadel Press/Kensington Pub. Corp., 2000 ‘The Sumerian Male Anu parallels the female Tuatha De Danann Anu, Ana, and Danu.’

According to the O’Clerys Book of Invasions, 1631, an old Celtic work, and also in the mythology of the Celtic gods, the Kings of this race arrived on these outer shores of Western Europe after an ancient war bringing with them powerful artefacts such as the cup, the lance and the sword of destiny.
The Lance of Lugh in most accounts sounds like a devastating laser blaster – whilst the magical sword is one we tend to equate with the mythical Arthurian sword of power Excalibur.
In some accounts the race of the De Dannan are fallen angels, [Walking the Faery Pathway, p67, Harmonia Saille], who decided to stay underground after defeat by the Milesians. However from the 17th century writings of the Reverend Kirk we hear tales of the Blue Men of the Minches, aquatic beings who stayed in Scottish waters off the Inner Hebrides and from Campbell’s ‘Superstitions’, we hear of the 18th century sect of shapeshifters on the Isle of Lewis in Scotland called the ‘MacCodrums of the Seal’.
Beings that fitted the description of the De Dannan then were historically deployed amongst the surface geography of the Celtic and Pictish world.
Small wonder therefore that the ancient tribes of humans e.g. the Picts who lived on the land in Scotland would paint themselves blue with woad to attempt to acquire the god-like prowess of this race in battle.
The reptilian De Dannan therefore were potentially capable of super-human martial arts amongst other things.
Were some of the shapeshifting De Dannan the original Druids – having extraordinary gifts of music and memory etc for they were renowned to be custodians of ancient lore in an oral tradition ie. Bards.
One of the central Masonic writers notes a connection between Serpent lore and the Druids.
"The Druids had a high veneration for the Serpent. Their great god, Hu, was typified by that reptile; and he is represented by the Bards as 'the wonderful chief Dragon, the sovereign of heaven'." George Oliver, Signs and Symbols, New York, Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply Company, 1906, p. 36

In most of the sacred Pictish tribal standing stone carvings of north and east Scotland, snake symbolism is usually present. However amongst the many things e.g. sacrifices, the Druids were noted for doing at these sacred sites, probable evidence of the non-human reality of some Druids has survived and is currently preserved by the National Museum of Scotland in Chambers Street, Edinburgh and on display in the ‘0’ lower level of the Hawthornden building.

In the display cabinet are stone-carved objects the size of tennis balls with regular protrusions and furrows on them, some spherical, some with patterns, some elongated – they are simply noted as religious artefacts found at ancient stone circles with no other explanation given as to their meaning or use.
In legends and myths attributed to the Druids and Merlin from Sir Thomas Malory’s Le Morte D’Arthur of romance tales about the legendary King Arthur, from 1485, we hear that the Druid Merlin is ‘one with the land’.
Perhaps these small stone artefacts in the National Museum of Scotland give us a strong clue as to how that can be.
i.e. ‘ancient voodoo’ !!!
these stone carved pollen grains literally drew by sympathetic resonance from the generative energies of plant growth.
When we look at the morphology of common Scottish pollen grains, the male gamete in plant reproduction, we discover the very striking similarities of these stone carved objects to the pollen of local plant species such as; Scots Pine and Grass.
It’s understandable that the museum archaeologists cannot publish a full explanation of these artefacts. Given what is accepted about our own pre-history our records do not credit primitive tribes living in Scotland with the technology to magnify pollen to such an extent that accurate three-dimensional stone models could be carved of it.
There are only two possibilities.

1. either Bronze Age Scotland had microscopes
2. some people in Bronze Age Scotland had paranormal powers of sight.

Given the ‘primitive painted savages’ theme that we have inherited from historical BC accounts, it does seem unlikely that the ancient Picts invented microscopy beating the 16th Century Dutch to the draw.
Is there another factor at play amongst the primitive Scottish tribes ? Perhaps a hidden race of shapeshifting reptilian beings that had the special abilities to see and utilise such occult realities?
Indeed given the high-tech mythology of the alleged Reptilian underworlds such as the Tibetan Nagaland were some of these special Druids also using ancient iPads ?
Given that the stone pollen-grain models are officially classified as ‘religious artefacts’ could they be used to sympathetically resonate with and draw power from the generative processes of the plants they represent during the growing season?
Druids practising such sympathetic magic would indeed be, like Merlin - ‘one with the land’, drawing of its power.
See Sir James Fraser’s study of ancient beliefs ‘The Golden Bough’, 1922, chapter 3 Sympathetic Magic

One might be tempted to dismiss these museum artefacts as not connected with pollen. However you would have to be trying very hard to not notice the non-arbitrary similarities with e.g. the pine tree pollen in nature. These are not merely historical curiosities with no meaning. We see this same ancient plant reproduction theme reproduced in full in the Festival Square outside the Sheraton Hotel in contemporary Edinburgh.
In the Festival Square we see about 20 or 30 pollen models some about the size of footballs, some larger, arrayed around a relatively massive egg around 2 metres high. This huge egg is etched with cabbalistic pentagons whose five parts are symbolic of the female.

In plant reproduction and in biology, generally, the female egg tends to be much larger than the sperm or pollen, as it contains the materials needed to manufacture the physical assets from the reproductive template supplied by the fusion of male and female DNA.
Was the sculptor was alluding to a body of secret lore, or maybe he too saw the similarity between the pollen objects in the museum and the real thing.
The inference to be drawn from the museum display is that in ancient and perhaps modern times there were and are people who had special powers of sight operating a paradigm of hidden energies and the mechanics of sympathetic magic on a Harry Potteresque scale.
In the more recent centuries an occult sub-culture of energy forms and mechanics invisible to the ordinary human being have become apparent from the writings of Emmanuel Swedenborg circa. 1760, and also from Theosophy, a body of Eastern mystical teaching founded by HP Blavatsky in 1875.
Theosophist CW Leadbeater writes of the mechanics of energy absorption he was witnessing in ‘The Hidden Side of Things’, 1913,

This vitality is absorbed by all living organisms, and a sufficient supply of it seems to be a necessity of their existence. In the case of men and the higher animals it is absorbed through the centre or vortex in the etheric double which corresponds with the spleen. It will be remembered that that centre has six petals, made by the undulatory movement of the forces which cause the vortex …

116. When the unit of vitality is flashing about in the atmosphere, brilliant as it is, it is almost colourless, and may be compared to white light. But as soon as it is drawn into the vortex of the force-centre at the spleen it is decomposed and breaks up into streams of different colours … Those rays then rush off in different directions, each to do its special work in the vitalisation of the body.

Perhaps the secret schools and secret beings of old taught ways to acquire and use these energies.
What modern social artefacts would be used by these beings today to draw generative essences and life-force from ?

The glowing or shining ones, the reptilian illuminati see each other amongst the human parade very easily with their all-seeing eyes.
There is today a large volume of secret literature that venerates the light-filled serpent.
"The serpent is the symbol and prototype of the Universal Savior, who redeems the worlds by giving creation the knowledge of itself and the realization of good and evil." Manly P. Hall, 33 Degree Mason, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 1928

It does seem that however many apples of knowledge we get handed these days they are not leading us to completion in important areas such as physics or medicine or interstellar transport !

We hear from the near East from ‘The History of the Jews’ by Josephus Flavius in 584BC, [published Murray, London, 1839] of the fallen angels who would teach man artifice. As we can perhaps see today from the paradigm of magical feeding on display outside the Sheraton hotel in Edinburgh, perhaps the shapeshifting reptilian gods of Sumeria are still busy. Unfortunately, of the apples of alleged knowledge we may be tempted with today, none of those fallen arts are the arts of free energy and self-sufficiency for the race of Adam..

It may be fair to assume that mankind has been generally unaware of those amongst us with special powers. Perhaps humanity ridden with dented pride and envy has been unable to recognise or acknowledge these feats of incredible genius when first seen – or rather perhaps there is nowhere to go with the story – for the all-seeing eye sees all etc

The evidence though is on display big time for the ordinary man and woman to see. Vigeland Park Oslo, Norway.


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