Andrew Hennessey.


Threeness or Tripartite Relatvity, [T], is the essential language and most basic mathematics of the Universe. It is a language about the relative success of an energy transfer between two points through a common medium. Everything that is, does this.


    The 3'ness Metaphysics and Assertions.


1.      The Cosmos is in a state of flux.

2.      A transfer of energy between two points or systems via a common intervening medium is a process called Osmosis. [a Universal state of affairs i.e. some A to some B through some common C. (This can also allow for the possibility of the intercession of some D)

3.      The most basic and tautologically true of an infinite number of transfers of energy in the Cosmos of 3 dimensions of space and one of time is between two systems.

4.      This basic transfer can be modeled in several ways amongst the whole spectrum of human knowledge.


a.  Osmosis. i.e. The diffusion of a high concentration to an area of lower concentration through a semi-permeable membrane also as Fajan's Rules of atomic Chemistry applied to the migration of electrons.

b.  As a metaphysically continuous extension of one system into another, like a field theory, where the second system 'Emerges' out of the potential created by the activity of the first. e.g. Morphogenetic Attractor [Langton C], Evolutionary Vacancy [Goodwin B] - as a Field in Psychology [Lewin K] and in electricity, Ohm's Law, incorporating potential difference of energies as Voltage and resistance to the passage of energy from high to low potential, and was also modeled in biomagnetism by Wolfgang Kohler, in 1952.

c.  The relationship between the two systems can be empirically modeled by an inverse square power law i.e. The more one system increases in magnitude, the more the effect of the other system diminishes in turn. This can be more attenuated and imprecise at increasingly larger scales of relativity of mass.

d.  A binary and tripartite arithmetic, can then be used to model this transaction, where system A, system B and the common medium system C  have a holistic relativity which can be represented as integrated or disintegrated in whole or part by 1's or 0's denoting on/off, extant/disabled [Boole G].


e.      At any time 1, there can be eight essential states of that Tripartite  Relativity. These 'essences' or 'atomic state descriptions' at time 2 can be any of the  other eight. The number of possibilities for  changes of state is modeled by a closed set of 64.

A to B through some common C where e.g. A=1 = valid facilitation of exchange or integrated, and, A=0 = invalid facilitation of exchange or disintegrated.

at time1

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111



The sixty four being derived from the eight possibilities at time 1 becoming any of the same or other eight possibilities at time 2 i.e. 8 times 8 = 64 at time 2


When the 64 transitions of state are tabulated by placing states of  change in graded  relativity or chaos or non-structure in sequence  with time, we end up with a metaphysical model of the activity of elements in the periodic table of chemistry, where top left, the reactive elements, bottom right the most structured, and in the middle, transitional states which are more complex.

Mathematical modeling of spontaneous emergence for artificial life experiments  [Langton 1992] with the same arithmetic criteria as  these essences produce the same Periodic Table of states.

From this metaphysics can be derived an Octal Arithmetic with an unusual concept of zero, for zero in this system has substance    i.e. There is no absolute zero. I.e. there is only zero that is relative to some observed process in its context.



From a set of simple rules, and using the strong analogies generated,  this holistic  paradigm proposes many  sought  after  answers - a way of seeing relativity and function in a holistic and also logical way.         

A Universal Ohm's Law and biological osmosis model provides the model for all systems. All possess some bigger energy concentration donating to a lower energy concentration through the intermediacy of common medium of relativity.

From  within  an  umbrella  of  potential  e.g.  the   potential difference  between  one   site/event   and   another,   energy passes or diffuses or discharges from a site of higher energy to  one of lower energy and by that process creating the potential  for another emergent system.


This discharge or current occurs through a medium which  offers resistance. There are three broad types of discharge from high to low energy.

The nature of the packets of energy being transferred and the amount of matter in  this  discharge  varies  in this new system of threeness as the 3 classes of material complexity; where;


1.      the alpha class i.e. idioms 1-3 convey energy as ether and  


2.  the beta class i.e. idioms 4&5  where  energy is bound up in and invested in mechanics of an  organic  nature and the  'electricity'  of  the  discharge  between  two  poles becomes invested in systems more  teleologically  sophisticated than a mere trail of electrons. e.g. water, ions and hydrocarbons etc.

3.  The gamma  class,  idioms  6-8, employ the two previous types of  'Voltage'  but  also  includes the additional  teleological  sophistication  of  energy  being further abstracted and manipulated  by  types  of social artefact  or information systems.

Easily measured in a  simple  format  -  as  electricity,  this tripartite format  is  known and measured  in  more  complex,  compound  and crystallised (telic) energy substrates and organised and self regulating aggregates of matter - e.g. in  psychological  systems, which are relatively abstract systems  (in  comparison  with  a copper wire), the discharge of motivation has been measured  by Lewin [1925] - unconsciously using a Tripartite principle.

Kurt  Lewin  has  developed  this  as  a   'Field   Theory   in Psychology'.

The language of energy transfer varies between each academic discipline but all tend to describe the same process. Because 20th century reductionism is being employed though they all tend to have the same kind of paradox or paradoxical reason why energy transfers don't sometimes work.

This paradox has various names but it usually occurs because the context has not been included in the process.

i.e. in any academic discipline the reductionist identifies A to B through some common C, but fails to identify intercession by the context .. at least some D in the process.


The case for  Tripartite  Essentialism  in  the  Philosophy  of Science is presented as follows:

The trigram is a basic representation of a metaphysically continuous relationship between any two systems:  denoting the validity of a discharge of energy in a transaction between one system of a higher, to another of a lower potential through a common substrate.

i.e. A to B through some common C.

Whatever the symbol set used to denote the three categories - it can be a whole line or broken line, 1 or 0 or some other; The upper line (A) is to be denoted   Macro which represents the origin of the discharge:  from the fundamental, high energy and driving ingredients.

The middle line, (C) denoted Meso, represents the substrate through which the discharge takes place, a system more developed than the macro, but less emergent in sophistication than the Micro. The structure and mechanics of any interstitial process capitalise on and are ontologically driven by the contextual and environmental discharge into the site of systemic evolutionary activity and its assets. - the Micro.

The Micro, (B) holistically extends and invests into some other Macro of another system in the context (Macro 2) with time.

This extension and embedding can be regarded as deterministic relativity in continuous operation. 


The field relativity between macro1 and macro2 the macro of the second system in which it is embedded can be described by  a power law called the inverse square law   U @ 1/R

The more the power and influence of Macro1 increases, the more the power and influence of Macro2 decreases. etc.

This power law, called an inverse square power law, is a unifying and  universal  equation  seen  in;  gravity, particle  dynamics, economics, psychology and cycling   in   ecosystems  in predator/prey relativity. It is also most obviously described by electricians and physicists as Ohm's Law and by Chemists as Fajan's Rules.

In electrical equations, Volts, Ohms and Ampere's depict this transaction at a fairly simple level of molecular investment, mass, scale and complexity.

Where  V  or  voltage  represents   the   energy   potential difference between macro1 and macro2. across which a discharge, exchange or transference flows from higher to lower energy values.

R, represents the resistance of the intervening  substrate, (meso)  to the passage of the discharge , and the evolutionary asset (Micro) is the amount  of  energy  delivered  to  the  site  of competition  where evolution works itself out at the boundary between two different systems - The energy carried through system1 discharges at macro2. (I)


The following is biology and ecology in the language of electricity.


MACRO=V(voltage), MESO=R(resistance), MICRO=I (current)


In Biological conditions, this equation sounds like, 'If the V, food and conditions are good, (the potential difference is high) the  physical  difficulties  of properties in the landscape R, i.e. its topography   disposition and systematic organisation etc. [meso], (resistance to energy transfers) diminish :

then the evolutionary asset is an increased population I. (high energy flow is delivered to invest in areas of growth)

The flow from high to low across a common mediating and impeding middle can be easily modeled.


Here are some rational models of this process for programming purposes.

The following demonstrate that this system of threeness and its metaphysics can cross the divide from phenomena and experience into the rational world of logic and mathematics and programming. It becomes a formal and rational paradigm.


There follows a Sentential Logic depiction of the formation of Tripartite Essences and their possibilities for evolutionary modeling along the lines of the power law.


The macro is the substrate S from which the discharge towards emergence E occurs in the context T of time and space.

At the next telic level of organisation, this extant ergonomic  system becomes aligned A  in  time  and  space  with  a  format evolved from S and the context T.

The system comprising S, A and T further evolves at t2, when it; competes, emerges and improves its emergence E  parameters  Ez  in  context T, or fails. The establishment of a new transfer gradient by alignment to a new evolutionary pathway A at the expense of old emergence pathway E.

The Macro Substrate and context is combining emergence product E with A in some time T to get Ez.


          Context (time)     T   (t1)      where  [ T and not T = RAA]


      New Substrate     S, (-S) ->  (A @ E)

          New Alignment    A, (-A) ->  (E) v (Ez) at Delta T

          Emergence           E, (-E) ->  (Ez) v (T) v (-A) v (S) v (-S) v (-T)

          at Delta T


The  basic  trigram  and  context denote the system and its transaction  to have or have not  structural  identity  whenever the underlying function is valid in relation  to  the context.

i.e. some form of competition  may disintegrate the function of the system's 3 new attributes :

i.e.  (Sx,  Ay,  Ez)  have  structural integrity, and (S,A,E) do not -

The eight essential states can be generated from  synthesis  of the  'a priori'  diagrams.


          T, (time/context).

        S     S      S       S      Sx    Sx    Sx    Sx

        A     A      Ay     Ay    A      A     Ay    Ay

        E     Ez     E      Ez     E      Ez     E     Ez


Where E is  either  Emergent  or  Demergent  evolutionary asset depending  on  the Competitive process with respect to the context delta T.

i.e. (t1 - t2).


Modeling of the Boolean descriptions by this type of metalanguage can bring concepts represented within this knowledge representation system into the realms of mathematical computational logic.

Whereas before, semantics belonged in the world of the arbitrary with very little relation between 'sign and thing signified', whole diverse domains of knowledge could thus be empirically charted using the [T] transaction model and relate the world of irrational domain labels to the empirical measurements of success or lack of it within the logical transference gradient.

The [T] Knowledge Representation System, more fully described later is called the Tripartite Relativity (Essentialism) Expert System or [TREES].


In natural language, the concepts of; 'object', 'doing' some 'qualitative descriptor' can also be translated into this metaphysical system.

The Linguistic tuple of noun, verb and adjective  are also  directly related to the Tripartite Essentialist  ideological  framework:

where macro is the noun, that is, the ingredients'  system  and its fabric. meso would be the verb, that is how the  fabric  is deployed in an active and  existential  sense,  and  the  micro would be the  adjective,  that  is  how  the  system  would  be depicted, its qualitative performance in relation to some other system macro2.


The process of natural language becomes three part and programmable also and arguably can be derived all the way back to the threeness in chemical and biological activity.


All sorts of exchanges and transfers in all kinds of idiom at all and every scale of magnitude can be mapped by threeness. It can also look like an analogy to chemical activity in the Periodic table of Chemistry.


The compilation of a periodic table of relative activity of states, between highly active, transitional and diverse, to most stable can be achieved here also.

Other modeling by Langton C, and Kauffman S, demonstrate the emergence of complex self regulating systems amongst transitional states. [Levy S, pub. Penguin 1993, ISBN 0-14-023105-6, pages 108-112 & 135-137]


at time1

000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101, 110, 111 depict all the states of functional integrity, however there are 8 times 8 possible state descriptions with time at time 2.


Eg.  000  000  000  000   000   000  000    000

        000  001  010  011   100   101  110    111


       001  001  001  001   001    001  001   001

       000  001  010  011   100    101  110   111


       010  010  010  010   010    010  010   010

       000  001  010  011   100    101  110   111 ..... etc


[there are 64 such sixes within this Closed and Limited set.]


This Logically and Formally  Complete set of functional relativity as events: can be depicted as a Periodic Table  of  Energies  [PTE] and as a simple model of the presence of chaos and structure - (it could be a simple 'Instrumentalist analogy' cf. Dulhem, [1952] to the Periodic table of Chemistry) etc.


Transitional self-regulating complex activity within interstitial states in such processes of change within chaos and structure were also modeled in Biology by Langton, Kauffman and Goodwin.

The synthesis of ideas with lawlike mathematical processes or the 'a priori'  facts in Tripartite Essentialism gives it a status within knowledge of being 'synthetic a priori'. All human computation for example is based upon after the fact irrationalism designated 'a posteriori'.

Threeness or Trinology represents a significant advance in human understanding.


The epistemological status of Tripartite Relativity and its one basic field 'law' i.e. the inverse square law, that ties it into the operation of 'natural' and universal processes, comes from a continuous tautological relation between the components of the three part system and their context: a discontinuous  relation  in this sense is a reductio, and impossibility, since such implies  no  relativity  and hence no measurement or phenomenon. i.e.  relativity is 'a priori' valid.

Tripartite Essentialism incorporates  a  field law, where a powers system is in continuous relation.

All materials generated by  Tripartite  Essentialist  formalism belong  to  the  one  basic  set  of  64  atomic  events  which physically increment by gradual 64 transitions from none or little structural integrity to the  greatest level of structure at 64.


The Importance of  Analogy.

Immanuel Kant, whose flawed 19th Century Critique of Teleology did not recognise that Biological systems had an  intrinsic  physical order that was part of the one basic ergonomic and evolutionary hierarchy - drew the line of demarcation between the  'a priori'  knowledge of  physics  and  mathematics  and  the  messy  biological stuff, whose aesthetic appeal seemed  to  delude  us into  thinking  that it all made properly constituted  mathematical sense simply because we had an expectation that it did so.

The power of Analogy and relativism,  however  can model such fuzzy logic messes.

Osmosis can be used as an analogous modeling strategy for transference at all levels of material and Universal complexity from the atomic rules of Fajan, the electronic rules of Ohm, to the psychological rules of Lewin [1952].

Osmosis is a biological term used to describe the active transport of salts from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration through a semi-permeable membrane.

The basic premise is that any system is a 'membrane' between two others. This Meso role identifies the membrane as the attenuating artefact in the [T] transaction process.

The structure and mechanics of which pass on the 'discharge' to the site of systemic competition.

Energy flowing into or being fed into the locus of components that  comprise  a  Tripartite  system  finds  a condition of impedence to its flow; where the original stream becomes  transmuted or metabolised into those substances or effects which  maintain the system's function, whether biological or physical.

Given a consistent, qualitative flow, the structure can specialise on the resources of its input to exploit systems ever more different and incongruous to the energy system from which it emerged.  This factor is  dependent  on  the  stress imposed externally at the  site  of  competition  between  this system and its context and the competing context into which the ergonomic 'discharge' is directed - for example in the story of the prehistoric evolution of amphibians  where  the  developing  respiratory mechanism  of the organism enabled the exploitation of new habitat and context on  the  shore  -  this  adaptation, initially, may have often failed under the critical  stress of lack of humidity and high temperature.

In using biological concepts as tools to interpret more general physical systems, it becomes easier to visualise Tripartite systems living in habitats, eating, metabolising and competing in a world readily accessible to the senses, and in this way, the energy that is being processed and competed  for, may be more easily tracked in terms of a  biological  analogy  through the very accessible concept of organic holism.

A system becomes a system when a group of components are used consistently to receive and process energy.  If consistency develops, it is because there is a context or input that caters for the collective needs of this group of components.

In the macrocosm, e.g. in a fish, after feeding, the organs metabolise the input and distribute the metabolites to every part of the organisation and organism where they are used in the process of growth, competition or maintenance.

Speaking more abstractly; this structure and mechanics or, supporting  mechanism or metabolism,  is   an   energy-distribution  infrastructure, as often seen in civilisation as it  is  at  the  superphysical level. [Smith A, 'An enquiry into the nature and causes of the Wealth of Nations, 1776] where fine tuning of a welfare (public interest) economics strategy with the systemization of economic and industrial benefits around the strategies of the open market allegedly produced a viable society. Industry and Society and Individuals who obtained the most benefit for the least cost allegedly would be 'selected for' in terms of a social and biological Darwinism. i.e.

A selection of the most efficient organisation. (as opposed to organism).

In treating Civilisation as part of the set of Organic Holism, it too has a brick and mortar body powered by the metabolite of electricity obtained in the competitive jungle of Capitalism.

The context of a Civilisation is its minerals, resources and materials and the processing capacity of the system itself is dependent on the efficiency of emergent tools, artefacts, processes and information with which raw  materials are exploited  e.g.  farming, mining, factory and   processing technology.

The 'heart' of the nuclear reactor, pumps sustenance along  the veins and arteries of its power cables, and  cognisant ganglia of  the stock  exchanges   allocate lines of  trade and communication, where secondary Capital metabolites are  shipped through the enormous organic system of the infrastructure in a quest for sustained growth and competition for available resources according to stimulii or Labour Market Intelligence.

As in a biological system, the technological system processes and reprocesses  raw  input  through  a  chain  of  useful  and cumulative effects, investing  time,  capital  and  utility in  these metabolic products.

The evolutionary  assets  of  a  Civilisation  are  information based, where the management and control  of  information  leads  through policy and science to the maximisation of  output,  for the minimum of input.

Sustained growth and metabolism,  a  necessity  in   an  entropic

environment can only be maintained by the maximisation of inputs as a whole, and since the natural and universal power law is involved in the demographic and ergonomic cycles  of  growth and  decay,  the  exponential  demand  on  resources  made by exponential consumption can only be maintained by  correct  and competitive scientific advance.

At this level of complexity, the Osmosis analogy includes many more sets of artefacts, systems and formats into which the energy discharge of the context macro has been encoded.

Here are a few more examples of 'Tripartite Relativity' .

Three parts and a context.

i.e. Context and  Macro:  CMacro, Meso, Micro. that use analogies to describe systems both in general terms but also in physical and empirical terms. These ideas use the biological 'osmosis' model to illustrate the transaction process between high energy objects and systems to low energy objects and systems.

Food, has as its context the Sun, which powers the green cycle

whose Meso DNA and coding for systematic organism turns the available  Carbon,  Nitrogen  and  Phosphor  in the Macro into the Micro asset of Carbohydrate Sugars and Oxygen needed to sustain the plants. 

This series of trophic and vegetational cycles produce a complex ecosystem  and  food  web which becomes the macro that supplies components to another inhabitant, Man.

Man extracts for the benefits of the gastronomical structure and mechanics of  Man,  [his Meso] energy  packets  of  variable quality and quantity.

His kitchen receptacle, when examined holistically with Tripartite Relativity has a macro or function that suits it for the context of the kitchen in design and purpose.

The size of the bowl, the energy facility of the umbrella that it provides to sustain its utility - the macro or utility for the conveyance of fruit is dependent on the Man's social context.

The Meso of the bowl is basically its components and structural

constituents, e.g. molecular and crystalline integrity and tolerance etc, and  the  Micro  of  the  bowl,  basically, its evolutionary assets are its  qualitative  aspects  e.g.  if  the purpose of the bowl was solely general utility, then plastic is an asset to enable continuity  of  function;  if  however,  its quality is not selecting it to attain conditions  of  continual use e.g. porcelain bowl at a banquet  may  be  more  acceptable, then the Micro of the bowl is dependent on  context  conditions both qualitative and social  and the amount of psychological pressure its system can  'bring to bear' or weather in the selection process.

The cupboard should, like the bowl, be seen in terms of the function that makes it a specific type of cupboard, and not necessarily seen in terms of the energies of its manufacture.

The cupboard is the end product (Micro) of  a  Sawmill  (Meso) that manufactures to differing qualities from forests (Macro).

The context of the cupboard per se would be its overall capacity to perform its container function of holding utensils e.g. bowl.

Its Meso would be its structural arrangements and partitioning and fitments and the evolutionary assets or qualitative aspects - Micro, would be the social and physical qualitative difference between Oak and MDF Hardboard, and the structural tolerances and aesthetic qualities of plastic and brass.

A record player has a Macro of electricity, capital and the context and  function of an information transformer.

The Meso or structure and mechanics of the hardware, its choice of; materials; circuit boards, their relative component complexity and arrangements, and additional attenuations, options and facility would also have a qualitative aspect Micro, both in social status and end product of HiFi.

A Book or other Media process, has as its context its topic, and a Macro also determined by the available information and physical formats and ingredients of its social source. Its Meso, or structure and mechanics are the ideologies or idea formats that collate and relate and present and explain the general relativity of the social artefact or information tool to its social context.

Whereas the evolutionary asset of the book, its Micro, would be how effective and intelligent an ideological tool it was for the exploitation of the  resources of  the context to which its main premise was applied.

A  lampost  has as its social context, the illumination of infrastructure for the purposes of efficient society  etc,  and as a Macro both the  capital  of  taxation  and  the power  of electricity and the facilitation of orderly social conduct, its Meso is the structure and  components  of  the object itself, its concrete or metal, its wiring system and lighting components, and its qualitative aspects are mainly aesthetic in relation to how much light it provides, what colour, what morphology how socially designed, how high  and the quality of both structure and function.

A Home has as its context the housing of a family unit for the purposes of  labour maintenance  within  the context of the infrastructure - the family or Macro will maintain the input of capital, fuel, energies, supermarkets, reservoirs, petrol, and these will be utilised by the structure and  mechanics  of the social context, Meso,  its market efficiency, its learning and reproductive and creative potential and the degree of intelligence and efficiency  to be invested in and deployed in maintaining and sustaining the fabric and quality of the social environment. 

The Qualitative aspects of home are related to capital input, class and other types of ideology of social fabric and aesthetic that enable evolution, expansion and successful stress free growth for the most benefit from the least cost. [Smith A, 1776]

These prior examples are capable of  being  mechanised  by a simple algebraic format which can illustrate the  relationships of integrity or disintegrity involved in these nested systems and their internal and external exchanges.

This example is of a simple Homeostatic mechanism dependent on the  qualitative aspects  of  the  competitive  Micro  in  its exploitation of the Context  from  which  it  is  deriving  its sustenance.

The example illustrates  how  the  'World'  refines  itself  to provide the context in which a (fish) may evolve ..

The world,  made  up  of  many  components  representing  land;

elements and variously derived systems that will contribute  to

the  oceanic  system.  From  this  Pedosphere,  rivers   drain,

precipitation of solvents, boundaries of various mineral strata

and  rocks  etc  mark  the  junction  or  estuary   where   the concentrated presence of all the microfactors that feed the sea is sent to provide the ingredients or context for our fish.

In effect, the coast has acted like a vast membrane between the context of the land and the context of the sea.

From which, the various factors and co-factors  useful  to  the

promotion and creation of an  evolutionary vacancy for the fish

precipitate  into  the  ocean  from  another  exogenous  system

 (Unified at a global organic level by an interdependency of the

same components e.g. Carbon, Oxygen,  Nutrient  Minerals, Water etc.)

The  diluting  body  of   water   separates   from   the   high

concentration of salts, biomass,  bases  etc  injected  by  the

rivers, the substances that will  provide  in  some  form,  the

energy source of the fish.

This input is further processed by other organic and  inorganic

processes in the ocean - and some  factors  eg.  salts  may  be

bound  up  by  Calcium  Sulphate  in  Plankton   and   may   be

precipitated out of the system as sediment, or,  these  factors

may be consumed and passed, usefully processed, to  some 

other  tier of the food chain.

At this stage, the original microfactors may have  found  their

way into the  production  of  many  useful  nutrients  and  co-

factors. These may either contribute to the food factors in the macro of the fish, or may be  precipitated  out  through  other

cycles less useful to the context and environment of the fish.

A similar complexity of changes is reflected in  the  algebraic

model. This takes the algebraic model as a useful archetype, for an input  process output box, the Universal IPO box, it may again

be applied to the system of the fish..

The energy source of the fish is the system of  microfactors

supplied by the land, sifted and specialised to augment its life  -

or death.

Where these factors become the energy source  of  the fish, the organism itself has a demand  for  those  ingredients and  products  it  has  evolved  with.  The  organism is thus surrounded by or has evolved into  that  immediate  environment which  can  fulfill  its  needs.   (That environment is a Morphogenetic Attractor).

The Macro  of  the  fish,  then,  supplies  the  structure  and

mechanics (Meso)  with  the  nutrients  that  it  is  currently

evolved  to  process; and through  various  energy   exchange

mechanisms or meso's/membranes  or  biochemical pathways,  the essence of what is vital for life, evolution and adaptation is conveyed  in  various  stages  to  the Micro, where those evolutionary assets are employed or cancelled in the struggle with the context environment (Q).

The following narrative relates the behaviour of the  algebraic

model with reference to syntax.

1.  The  niche  that  provides  the  context  to  contain  this

organism/organisation/system is represented by various  

factors or groups of letters.


Those factors directly used by the organism are ASB(E) or  food

and energy input to the Energy Gathering Mechanism VN.

2.  The Meso - processing E (Evolutionary Advantage) for use at Q.   ASB takes E - Evolutionary Advantage forward.

 3.  Paying a toll of (B) at a membrane (P) for the furtherance of AS(E).

4.  The toll (B), paid, mechanism P -  the site of the toll brings and enables a carrier mechanism RV(T) to bind AS(E) and convey it down pathways that demand it.

5.  Part (T) of RV(T) can only take AS(E)  forward  if it can locate its  binary  receptor  mechanism  RV(Y).  T  and  Y  are mutually attracted, however Y  is a resource which is only produced when the organism as a whole is competing well with  'exogeny' i.e. the contect at factor Q - where Q is a chaotic energy demand that affects the integrity of organism Z.

6. Thus when Z is doing well, Y enables the progress of AS(E).

Y represents the potential exhaustion  has  to  debilitate  the

organism to a  state  of  extinction,  making  the  quality  of

substance of Z, reserves etc. an important factor in  surviving

the competitive stress of Q.

Q on the other hand represents the freedom of external  factors to interfere with the evolution of a system.

With Y present, AS(E) is taken to and bonded to mechanism W  which further filters out RV.

7.  The  number  of  exchanges  from  one  mechanism to another represent, here, the  increasing  complexity  which  binds  and  processes, refines  and  directs  food/energy  input  into  the

specialised compartment of the Micro which is interphasing 

with the environmental competition.

8.  'Food' factor  (AS)  is  then  expended  to  convey  (E)  -

Evolutionary Advantage to the Micro or Assets of the organism -  enabling Z to hold its own, And where Z has advantage  over  Q, it produces Y - its potential for continued survival.

This process of natural selection in terms of increased stress on the umbrella of systemic integrity may be illustrated at work within the algebriac model in the story of the dinosaur .. where supported  by  the  body  of energies that comprised the atmosphere and its trophic range  - under  this  umbrella it flourished, finding  a tolerable equilibrium  between  air  temperature, body temperature and energy consumption.

The dinosaur lost energy to the atmosphere in an exchange or toll paid at a comfortable rate.

When  the  climate  changed  and  the  air  grew  colder, the biological identity  of  the  reptile  could  not  support  the massive heat loss and the increased toll,  which  made  greater demands on its energy reserves than it could cope with.

With no new equilibrium between the cold weather and the biology of the dinosaur being possible the only other outcome was extinction. i.e, the toll  of  Q  was  too  much  for  Z to sustain.

This algebraic model can be used in conjunction with  6 keys systems theory – later described – to bring detail into Trinological classifications and programming.

The use of analogy within Tripartite Essentialism is an important tool to overcome and  renegotiate old scientific models and old data such that they become more relevant and applicable to real life in the 21st century.


End note:

The  archaeological appearance  or  connotations  of  this  symbolism (as I CHING) is unimportant and arbitrary as 1's and 0's are wholly sufficient for computational purposes in Boolean mathematics.

No reference to the classically irrational and well known I Ching  is intended or desired. Historically the I Ching was originally only one of several works  that formed the Ta Pu, the  Grand  Oracle.  It  has  long  been  thought that the I Ching's companions had been  destroyed,  but  through the efforts of Walters [1983], the  T'ai  Hsuang  Ching  (THC) has been restored.  From the  diagrams  of  THC,  another model logic (hereafter  referred  to  as  the  language [H])  is evident that it too  looks  as  if  it  is  capable of modelling all modal states  from  total  non-structure  to  total structure.


According to Walters [1983], there seems  to  have  been  other  line and number combinations, however,  the  symbolism  of  the  known Ta Pu,  both  individually  and  collectively  are  known to be related to Chinese culture and social history.


Where the ancient Chinese obtained their systems of modal logic from is another matter.




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