stargate edinburgh - the proof
Andrew Hennessey
Outside Edinburgh, a self styled Jerusalem with its seven hills and Masonic Secrets, the Lothlorien of the Lothians, the Dunedain of the returning Kings in the last days of the Stewards – Tolkeins Scottish vision comes to life.
The Elves of the Lothians and Lothlorien are busy under the noses of the Orcs – the Pictish tribe of Scotland and Lord Sinclair the Earl of Roslin and Orcus.
There are multi-storey ship parks materialising on video, docking manoeveres, black helicopters with grey pilots, small ufos, big ufos – all on camcorder and all available to be checked.
The response to the Gorebridge Disclosures has been apathetic to say the least. One Scottish researcher who could have helped us has chosen to brand our evidence ‘unlikely’ without asking for contact details or technical information.
He was filming this year in Roslin attempting to substantiate the allegation that a ufo was buried under the chapel. In the course of his many great contributions to Scottish ufology this had to be one gig that in my opinion was not going to encourage people to think that the area had any real historic ufo provenance unless he could prove the idea empirically right or wrong with hitek laboratory equipment.
Everybody by now realises from abduction accounts that the telepathic elves and zeta can do very strange things with human perceptions and cognition.
Our footage and stills are clearly some of the most amazing evidence since the days of Meier [in my opinion] and that we can empirically show from digital tape and not by matter of belief or opinion that these amazing scenes are taking place in and around the Roslin area. This points to a hive of interstellar industry locally.
It may well be thought safe to assume that a ufo is a ufo is a ufo but that isn’t true of this case at all – for the whole deal is slowly being revealed on camera. Numerous types and sizes of ships and materialising infrastructure in the sky are not just another lights in the sky ufo sighting.
What we didn’t expect so soon was that our stills would be generally overlooked and that we would have to deal with new urban myths and disinformation theories such as the theory of the ufo crash parts found in a field at Roslin chapel. [During the Da Vinci Code shoot]
Now with the rumours and myths of ufos under Roslin Chapel circulating at the peak of publicity for Dan Browns Da Vinci Code and the wave of publicity surrounding the Hollywood Moguls it is our hope that the Scottish expert dismissed these allegations with evidence that can be corroborated by technical data.
The hard world of the rational scientist tends to focus on this genre of information.
What UFOLOGY and the Public Interest needs in central Scotland is real technical focus on these new amazing events – never before has ET shown so much of their usually invisible infrastructure and logistics and we need to really be asking the question Why ?
These images go beyond the usual lights in the sky material and are very close to home in high detail Why ?
We have many verifiable images to show what we mean.
The locality is historically well known for its non-human legends but no-one thus far questioned thinks that these entities are relevant to UFOLOGY Why ? because obviously some important people do.
Some folks would be amazed at what has been seen to be flying spacecraft over the years. [Keel, Steiger]
We’ve been told by an expert that ‘forays into the unlikely are the downfall of well intentioned groups’ yet this ‘unlikely’ Roslin ufo theory with or without expert participation only discredits what most of us have begun to know – that the area probably has a vast underground city populated by the interstellar little people.
I really hope he dismissed the Roslin UFO.
Press releases by the Roslin Chapel Trust have traditionally complained that Roslin has been accused of being the repository of every mystery on the planet: the Holy Grail, the spear of destiny, the copper scrolls, the ark of the covenant, and ‘the entire crew of the marie celeste’. Now the doctors of spin, the puppeteers appear to be upping the stakes by adding in a UFO to the long list of the unlikely and the incredible that has been associated with Roslin.
Perhaps ‘they’ hope to bury the credibility of the association amongst the revisionist and new age theories making UFOs at Roslin almost totally unbelievable to the enquiring mind.
Methinks they doth protest too loudly.
I believe that there is enough cultural evidence to show that these underground cities in the Lothians are known about at the highest level of government and secrecy. A small part of this evidence has been recently removed from plain view though it can still be accessed at the National Museum Scotland with the archivists permission.
e.g. They cannot remove the Spielberg alien head from St Giles Cathedral in central Edinburgh – the 13th century Corble stone to the left of the gift shop door.
From the village of Goblin Halls, to the seriously Masonic Crichton Castle on the edge of the Cousland cavern system all the way from the Moorfoot hills to the Pentland hills – that frame the city of Edinburgh, the area is riddled with vast limestone works from ancient times made by ancient peoples.
Theosophist CW Leadbeater wrote in the late 19th Century in his book ‘The Hidden Side of Things’ of Faerie tribes in the Pentland Hills at Flotterstone. Around the cavern system edges are place names and villages such as ‘Elvingstone’ and ‘Elphinstone’ and of course ‘Goblin Halls’ this over about 1000 square miles in the Lothians or Tolkeins Lothlorien. King Lot of the Lothians had a daughter that married an Elf and for her troubles she was thrown off Traprain Law by way of execution but the faeries caught her and bore her away to the Isle of Maidens [May] and thence to Kirkcaldy [the Church of the servants of God – the Kirk of the Culdeas].
The area is rife with underground tales and legends and has been camcorded receiving a massive contingent of personnel from hundreds of glowing podships coming out of a big zeta transporter in 2001.
This big long lenticular ship terminated in three headlights – its type recently seen in a fleet of about twenty over Puerto Rico – another ET base.
Tunnels and caverns under Roslin were not made by the Scottish Coalboard as when Roslin chapel trust recently tried to claim for subsidence – the coal board proved they had not mined there and were not at fault. A similar claim made by the Catholic diocese in Roswell – a nearby village was successful though.
There are certainly caverns and tunnels under Rosslyn – not made by human hand though.
Crash recovery stories and buried UFOs etc create spoilage but cannot detract from the incredible truth. There is an ET city under the Lothians that is being regularly supplied and serviced.
Edinburgh National Museum and National Art Gallery, are recipients of millions from the Hawthornden Estates [Heinz foods]. Hawthornden castle is linked by tunnel to and only a mile from Roslin castle and chapel. The Hawthorn tree is symbolic in Celtic lands of the faerie folk. Whereas the Elfin bloodline may patronise the arts, recent withdrawal of a big exhibit from the collection of the 20th century showed that the whole deal is keeping itself stealth. The exhibit from which I have taken photos shows a multinational logod tracksuit top for the shopper and traveller, an insectoid holy grail called the cup of communion, a zeta reticulan wrapped around a cafetierre, a mantis vase and a human and medieval style of ripped denim by Vivienne westwood that characterised her in her human punk phase. [punk abductees got torn a bit then but become all the better for it.]
Also up in the museum now taken down – a massive woven tapestry of a hive. The new Scottish parliament is built and designed like an insectoid hive with large scale architectural efforts to imitate grass and straw and mud piles and asymmetrical futuristic windows [they say its an upturned boat to acknowledge our fishing heritage] sits on the Edinburgh tunnel systems that reach under the city and beyond.
Alas the architect is no longer with us so we can’t really ask him about many of the non-boatlike features.
Meanwhile the other big Masonic secret about Roslin is getting out.
That on the 18th Century maps the village was called Paradise. Today the only remnant of that fact is commemorated in the very adjacent village of Loanhead as Paradykes Road.
At the end of Paradykes road an industrial estate backing onto the Cloning labs and in between all the proof you could possibly want that this world is being deliberately made desolate and barren.
Where once stood Paradise Village now stands Dryden Tower fenced off under high security. The Dark Tower of the Earl of Orcus.
Here the two streams of reality converge – Pre-stellar Disneyland ruled by the Lords of Desolation, skulls and bones and, underneath, Interstellar Reality that flies past the geopolitical cartoon every night of the week up to the cities and technology detuned in the skies overhead.
The very stuff that we have on video.
It was Charles Fort who recorded in his book ‘New lands’ the sighting of a heavenly city presumed Jerusalem over this Scottish Region.
The non-human heritage of humanity is carefully concealed – but in Scotland at least in a place thought of as a Jerusalem by the elect [see WC Beaumont, ‘Britain key to World History, 1947, or the plate in the paperback edition of the Holy Blood and the Holy Grail by Baigent of the Dutch 15th century woodcut of Jerusalem .. you are looking at Edinburgh city centre.] its in plain view.
Into this intrigue is the fact that people, experts and media seem to be avoiding maybe because its too close for our comfort – the Elves or Zeta of the Lothians/Lothlorien are out and about and they seem to have their cities and ships all over our solar system and under our very noses.
One of the arrowhead like zeta ships that we have photographed enveloped in a light blue drive field can be made out in good detail as it heads up to the docking bays – whilst an identical ship was filmed on mars sitting amongst the sand by NASA.
Make no mistake though – there is a section of the human race that is more than comfortable making themselves at home with these ancient non-humans – enjoying the full benefits of their technology no doubt but also participating in an office near you in some very rewarding and interesting transactions.
Andrew Hennessey